ANS President Michael Corradini in July Nuclear News

July 23, 2012, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

The July issue of Nuclear News magazine is available in hard copy and electronically for American Nuclear Society members (enter ANS user name and password).  The issue contains the following feature articles:

  • Michael Corradini: An Educational Approach
  • Tom Sanders: Great expectations for small modular reactors
  • Applications: Updating Plant Emergency Diesel Generators with Intelligent Digital Control Systems

More news in this issue:

Pilgrim receives renewed operating license; the Nuclear Regulatory Commission proposes ways for licensees to comply with post-Fukushima Daiichi orders; phase 3 of U.S. EPR design certification review completed; maximizing the assets: a status report on license renewal and power uprates; NRC to continue current level of regulation for groundwater protection; NRC revises enforcement policy to address construction topics; San Onofre-2 & -3 to stay off line through August; Tennessee Valley Authority inspector general critical of Bechtel's performance at Watts Bar-2; NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards act in license renewal proceedings for Diablo Canyon, Indian Point; three scrams each occur at Browns Ferry-3 & River Bend 1; the NRC revises schedule for review of Seabrook license renewal application; razing of nuclear testing tower sets world record; the NRC amends regulations on import/export of nuclear materials and equipment; South Africa, Nigeria sign nuclear pacts with Russia's Rosatom; United Kingdom's energy bill offers incentives for investing in low-carbon sources; University of Manchester is signed for academic work on the PRISM reactor; the reactor pressure vessel installed at China's first EPR; Russia to begin membership in the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in January; Indian Prime Minister Singh restates support for nuclear power; appeals court vacates the NRC's waste confidence rule; appeals court sides with utilities in Nuclear Waste Fund lawsuit; the NRC receives report of rebar issues at Vogtle-3 & -4; Eurodif enrichment plant closes, makes way for Georges Besse II;  the NRC authorizes cascade startup at the Urenco USA facility; 68 early-career researchers to receive Department of Energy funding; the NRC issues final safety evaluation report for Isotopes International's proposed depleted uranium deconversion plant; and a study finds no DNA damage in continuous exposure of mice to radiation hundreds of times greater than background.

And much more!

Coming up in August. . . .the 18th Annual Vendor/Contractor Profile issue!


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