Call to Action: Public hearing on MOX fuel tonight in Chattanooga

September 11, 2012, 7:15PMANS Nuclear Cafe


American Nuclear Society members in the Tennessee Valley region


Public hearing on the use of mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel technologies for surplus plutonium disposition-Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement


Today, Tuesday, September 11

5:30pm-8:00pm Eastern Time (click HERE for schedule-scroll down)


Chattanooga Convention Center

1150 Carter Street

Chattanooga, Tenn. 37402


The existence of surplus weapons-usable plutonium and highly enriched uranium constitutes a clear and present danger to national and international security.

-National Academy of Sciences, 1994

The American Nuclear Society endorses the rapid application of mixed uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX) fuel technology to accomplish the timely disposition of surplus weapons-grade plutonium (ANS position statement).

Industry and professional organizations should work to inform the public and media about the nonproliferation benefits of the MOX fuel program and the safe and successful track record of manufacturing and using MOX fuel.

Come join many of your fellow nuclear professionals and ANS members in the nuclear science community in the Tennessee Valley area to help provide some credible scientific and technical perspective on this important issue, as well as play an essential role in providing factual, credible information in this public setting to increase public awareness.

The hearing will be live tweeted at #moxchat.

Stay tuned to the ANS Nuclear Cafe for updates on the hearing later today.


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