Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar (left) and Candace Davison display the plaque for the 2012 Landis Public Communications Award. Dunzik-Gougar is currently vice-chair of the ANS Public Information Committee and Davison is Immediate Past Chair.
The Landis Award recognizes an individual for outstanding efforts, dedication, and accomplishment in furthering public education and understanding of the peaceful applications of nuclear technology. This may include outstanding communication in public venues as well as exceptional work done to inform teachers, K-12 students, and other audiences in public education settings about nuclear science and technology applications in nuclear careers.
The ANS social media program, including this blogsite, were launched under the auspices of the ANS Public Information Committee while Candace Davison was chair.
A tip of the ANS Nuclear Cafe cap to Candace in celebration of this well-deserved honor!