Prompt Action Needed by ANS Members on EPA Clean Power Rule

November 7, 2014, 4:20PMANS Nuclear CafeWill Davis


ANS President Dr. Michaele Brady Raap

American Nuclear Society President Michaele Brady Raap has released a letter calling ANS members to action-and by "action," she means making comments to the Environmental Protection Agency on its Clean Power Rule. According to Brady Raap, "the rule as it is currently structured would almost entirely discount the clean energy contributions of our current nuclear energy facilities and effectively penalize states that have new plants under construction."

The stated purpose of the EPA plan is to cut carbon emissions from electric generating plants in the United States. While the plan allows each state to come up with its own specific proposals for cutting these emissions, the plan's guidance as given by the EPA would allow states to actually replace closed nuclear plants with only a fraction of non-emitting sources. Other deficiencies in the EPA directive are enumerated in her letter to American Nuclear Society's members.

ANS has set up a page on its website covering the EPA Clean Power Rule issues, which can be found by clicking here. Brady Raap's letter to ANS members on action that can be taken to make ANS's voice heard is found here.

For more information:

ANS Nuclear Cafe posted an article on the EPA Clean Power Rule in August 2014, entitled "Unintended Anti-Nuclear Consequences Lurking in EPA Clean Power Plan." Click here to read it.

(Will Davis for ANS Nuclear Cafe.)