Support Ukraine’s nuclear community impacted by war

March 1, 2022, 12:17PMANS News

The brave nuclear professionals of Ukraine and their families need support from the international community as they continue to safely operate their country’s nuclear fleet during the Russian invasion. In response to this need, ANS has set up the Ukrainian Nuclear Workers Humanitarian Fund to support the nuclear community in Ukraine.

"We stand in awe of the bravery and resolution displayed by the Ukrainian people,” ANS President Steven Nesbit said. “We need to do what we can to help our fellow nuclear professionals and their families across the globe as they deal with a situation no one should have to face."

Donations can be made at various levels, starting with $25, $50, and $100; there will also be an option to donate a different amount than what is listed. One hundred percent of the donations made to the ANS Ukrainian Nuclear Workers Humanitarian Fund will be provided to the Ukrainian Nuclear Society (UKRNS) to support the nuclear community during this crisis.


ANS is in contact with the UKRNS and is working with them to provide the funds for purchasing food, shelter, personal protective equipment, essential medical supplies, medicine, batteries, flashlights, warm clothes, and other items needed for Ukrainians, including those displaced by the war and sheltering from the bombings.

The need is great in communities all around Ukraine, and the UKRNS is answering the call—but they need our support in order to continue. ANS Executive Director and CEO Craig Piercy said, “The American Nuclear Society is proud to support Ukraine’s nuclear workers and their families. Their bravery and commitment, under exceptional circumstances, to keep their plants running safely and Ukraine’s lights on is an inspiration to the whole world.”

“Stand with us in support of the brave workers and their families within Ukraine’s nuclear community,” Piercy added. “Donate now to the ANS Ukrainian Nuclear Workers Humanitarian Fund and help our Ukrainian colleagues in need.”

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