What’s it about: ANS Executive Director/CEO Craig Piercy will discuss the Netflix series with Lake Barrett, who was the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s on-site director and senior official for the cleanup of the Three Mile Island accident site in the early 1980s. Barrett will share his perspective on the series and his knowledge about what actually happened in the accident, which has often been misrepresented in popular culture.
Credentials: Barrett, an ANS Fellow, is a registered professional engineer who serves as an independent nuclear energy consultant. He has worked in various government and commercial capacities over the past five decades and is currently supporting the recovery of the Fukushima nuclear reactor accident in Japan, serving as a senior advisor to the Japanese government’s International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning and the Tokyo Electric Power Company.
Barrett previously was the principal deputy and acting director of the Department of Energy’s Office of Civilian Nuclear Waste Management. He was also a director in the DOE’s Defense Programs (now the National Nuclear Security Administration). While at the NRC, he held a number of senior technical and executive positions, including the director position for the Three Mile Island accident site.
Program details: To facilitate a question-and-answer session, please feel free to submit questions in advance of the June 8 event. In case you can’t attend in real time, a recording of the event will be shared via email with everyone who registers.
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