Fast burst reactors: A historical primer

July 12, 2024, 7:02AMNuclear NewsJeremy Hampshire
The Godiva I device, an unreflected 54-kg sphere of 93.7 percent pure uranium-235, before (left [in the scrammed state]), and after (right) the February 3, 1954, criticality excursion that released 5.6 × 1016 neutrons and warped or broke several support structures of the device. (Photos: DOE)

Fast burst reactors were the first fast-spectrum research reactors to reach criticality by using only prompt neutrons with high-enriched uranium as fuel, creating a pulse for microseconds. Among many achievements, fast burst reactors were the first research reactors to demonstrate the ability of thermal expansion to terminate a pulse and to show how this could aid in reactor safety. In addition, fast burst reactors were pivotal in early fission studies including critical mass determination, criticality safety, the study of prompt and delayed neutrons, and much more.

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