University of Chicago to hold public forum on Fukushima

April 20, 2011, 10:21PMANS Nuclear Cafe

The University of Chicago Alumni Association, in conjunction with Argonne National Laboratory and the Harris Energy Policy Institute, will hold a forum at 4:00 PM Central Time on Thursday, April 21, entitled "Beyond Fukushima: The Risks, Realities & Future of Nuclear Energy in the U.S."  The forum will be held in the atrium of the university's Gordon Center for Integrative Sciences in Chicago (click here for map) and can be viewed in real time online at University of Chicago-Live Facebook page.

A panel discussion will be held, including questions from the audience, from 4 PM until 5:30PM CT. The panel consists of:

  • Mark Peters, deputy director of Argonne National Laboratory
  • Hussein Khalil, director of the Nuclear Energy Division at Argonne National Laboratory and an ANS Fellow
  • Kennette Benedict, executive director of the Bulletin of Atomic Sciences
  • Robert Topel, the Isidore Brown and Gladys J. Brown distinguished service professor in Urban and Labor Economics, Chicago Booth School of  Business, and director, University of Chicago Energy Initiative.

The discussions will be open to the public. From 5:30 PM until 6:00PM CT, the audience will be able to discuss issues one-to-one with  nuclear energy experts from Argonne.  Immediately following the event, there will be a poster session, during which some of the leading scientists from Argonne will share information on recent work on nuclear energy.

For more information, please visit the University of Chicago forum event page.

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