- What will we do with it all? by Ed Batts
- Coupling repositories with fuel cycles, by Charles Forsberg
- What does 1 million years mean to a regulator? by Edward D. Blandford, Robert J. Budnitz, and Rodney C. Ewing
- Robert Sindelar: Extended spent fuel storage, interview by Rick Michal
The issue also contains a feature article on the inaugural ANS "live" webinar, with Nuclear Regulatory Commission chairman Gregory Jaczko as guest; and a report on the International Atomic Energy Agency's 55th General Conference.
Other news in the November issue: A Government Accountability Office report states that United States has limited ability to secure nuclear material overseas; the world's largest open-air nuclear storage pool moves toward decommissioning; a site is chosen for Finland's seventh power reactor; startup testing for Argentina's Atucha-2 power reactor. is launched; Vietnam awards contract for power reactor feasibility study to Japan Atomic Power Company; Fluor, GE Hitachi sign memorandum of understanding for proposed power reactors in Poland; Cameco signs mining, milling deal; Areva's Eagle Rock enrichment plant receives NRC license; the Department of Energy gives grants for nuclear-related university research and development, infrastructure.; Areva launches "learning tour" for partner and customer company employees; NRC commissioners conduct mandatory hearing for Vogtle-3 and -4; spent fuel pool instrumentation, Mark II containment venting added to NRC staff's near-term post-Fukushima actions; NRC finds no vital quake damage at North Anna, but shutdown continues; public support for nuclear power lower than before Fukushima, but a majority still in favor; foreign control contention added to South Texas-3 and -4 hearing process; and more.
Past issues of Nuclear News are available here.